It's A Brave New World
Well, I am finally doing it. I am jumping into the "Blogging World"! No, it's not because everyone is doing it. I think that blogging will allow me to more easily stay in touch with clients, associates, and anyone else who is looking for timely and useful information about financial topics, as well as other items that I feel would add value to your world.
So, stay tuned! I welcome your feedback (good and bad) as well as your ideas about topics that should be discussed in this forum. Main my goal is to keep this blog fresh and chock full of valuable stuff. I know that you are busy and have many sources of information that vie for your attention on a daily basis. To that end, I will endeavor to post here regularly, but not daily.
If you prefer to be notified via email whenever I post something new to my blog, just click on the Subscribe to blog link above. It's that simple.
OK. Here we go!